The European Research Area (ERA) is a major force for research and innovation in Europe, but there are big differences in research abilities across EU countries. Countries like Poland, Croatia, and Malta face specific problems because their research and innovation systems are not as strong, they have less international and cross-sector collaboration, and they lak enough skilled people. These issues limit their ability to contribute to the ERA’s growth and compete globally. 

The ERA SHUTTLE project aims to solve these problems by building up research and innovation capacities, especially in Poland, Croatia, and Malta. The project seeks to create stronger connections between research actors, address uneven regional development, and enhance existing research infrastructure and talent. By improving the research environment, ERA  SHUTTLE aims to boost research quality, use of knowledge, and cross-sectoral collaboration, helping the ERA grow. 

Key goals:

  • Identify obstacles and strengths of involved research institutions and improve access to, integration, and use of existing research equipment and knowledge. 
  • Attract and keep talents in Poland, Croatia, and Malta by improving research conditions, job opportunities, and career prospects. 
  • Define and overcome barriers for staff exchange between different sectors by developing a framework for sharing talent and knowledge in these countries 
  • Implement research talent exchanges between academic and non-academic sectors and identify best practices for cross-sector talent movement. 
  • Strengthen the research profile and knowledge base in universities of Poland, Croatia, and Malta, and reduce networking gaps with other EU countries 
  • Contribute to the development of the European Framework for Research Careers and set up an ERA Talent Platform to promote talent circulation between sectors and across the EU 
  • Support the European Industrial Strategy and the European Skills Agenda by enhancing the skills and capacities of research and innovation talents in these countries 

By achieving these goals, ERA SHUTTLE aims to significantly contribute to the ERA’s growth, improve the research quality of participating universities, and enhance their research management abilities. The project plans to maximise its impact through effective communication and dissemination strategies, ensuring that its results reach stakeholders, policymakers, and the general public.